Source code for trame.html.widgets

from import get_app_instance
from trame.html import AbstractElement
from pywebvue.modules import Widgets

# Make sure used module is available
_app = get_app_instance()

[docs]class FloatCard(AbstractElement): """ A |floatcard_vuetify_link| which floats above the application and can be moved freely from a handle .. |floatcard_vuetify_link| raw:: html <a href="" target="_blank">vuetify VCard container</a> :param handle_color: :param handle_position: :param handle_size: :param location: Vuetify VCard attributes :param color: :param dark: :param flat: :param height: :param elevation: :param hover: :param img: :param light: :param loader_height: :param loading: :param max_height: :param max_width: :param min_height: :param min_width: :param outlined: :param raised: :param rounded: :param shaped: :param tile: :param width: """ def __init__(self, children=None, **kwargs): super().__init__("kw-float-card", children, **kwargs) self._attr_names += [ "handle_color", "handle_position", "handle_size", "location", "color", "dark", "flat", "height", "elevation", "hover", "img", "light", "loader_height", "loading", "max_height", "max_width", "min_height", "min_width", "outlined", "raised", "rounded", "shaped", "tile", "width", ]
[docs]class ListBrowser(AbstractElement): """ A component that list items that be used for browsing directories or simple item picking :param list: List stored in state :param filter: Function to filter list :param path_icon: :param path_selected_icon: :param filter_icon: :param path: """ def __init__(self, children=None, **kwargs): super().__init__("kw-list-browser", children, **kwargs) self._attr_names += [ "path_icon", "path_selected_icon", "filter_icon", "filter", "path", "list", ("query", "filterQuery"), ]
[docs]class GitTree(AbstractElement): """ A component to present a Tree the same way Git does it (Like a subway map) :param sources: All of the elements of the tree :param actives: Any active elements of the tree Vuetify styling attributes :param active_background: :param delta_x: :param delta_y: :param font_size: :param margin: :param multiselect: :param offset: :param palette: :param radius: :param root_id: :param stroke: :param width: :param active_circle_stroke_color: :param not_visible_circle_fill_color: :param text_color: :param text_weight: :param action_map: :param action_size: Events :param actives_change: :param visibility_change: :param action: """ def __init__(self, children=None, **kwargs): super().__init__("kw-git-tree", children, **kwargs) self._attr_names += [ "sources", "actives", "active_background", "delta_x", "delta_y", "font_size", "margin", "multiselect", "offset", "palette", "radius", "root_id", "stroke", "width", "active_circle_stroke_color", "not_visible_circle_fill_color", "text_color", "text_weight", "action_map", "action_size", ] self._event_names += [ ("actives_change", "activesChange"), ("visibility_change", "visibilityChange"), "action", ]