Source code for trame.internal.server.server

import os

from import get_app_instance
from trame.internal.utils import (
    base_directory, print_server_info, validate_key_names

[docs]def start(layout=None, name=None, favicon=None, on_ready=None, port=None, debug=False): """ Start the web server for your application :param layout: UI content that should be used for your application :type layout: None | str | trame.layouts.* :param name: "Title" that you can see in your tab browser. This will be filled automatically if a trame.layouts.* layout was provided. :type name: None | str :param favicon: Relative path to a png image that should be used as favicon :type favicon: None | str :param port: Port on which the server should run on. Default is 8080. This overrides a port from the command line ``--port/-p`` option. :type port: None | Number :param on_ready: Function called once the server is ready :type on_ready: None | function :param debug: Whether to print debugging information :type debug: bool >>> start(on_ready=initialize) """ app = get_app_instance() app._debug = debug app.on_ready = print_server_info() if name: = name if layout: if isinstance(layout, str): app.layout = layout else: = app.layout = layout.html if layout.favicon: app.favicon = layout.favicon if layout.on_ready: app.on_ready = print_server_info(layout.on_ready) else: tpl_path = os.path.join(base_directory(), "template.html") if os.path.exists(tpl_path): app.layout = tpl_path else: print("Error: We could not find your layout or template.html file.") if on_ready: app.on_ready = print_server_info(on_ready) if favicon: app.favicon = os.path.join(base_directory(), favicon) # Dev validation validate_key_names() app.run_server(port=port)
[docs]def stop(): app = get_app_instance() app.stop_server()
[docs]def port(): app = get_app_instance() return app.server_port