Source code for trame.internal.state.core

from import get_app_instance
from trame.internal.utils import is_dunder

from .decorators import change

[docs]def update_state(key, value=None, force=False): """ Updating the current application state that is shared with the Web UI :param key: The key for the value we wish to update :type key: str :param value: The new value :type value: Any :param force: Set to True when you want to force push a new or same value to the client. :type force: bool >>> update_state("workload_finished", True) update_state() may not detect a change if the same reference is passed even if its content has change. You have the option to let the system know that you want to force the update. >>> a = { "x": 1 } >>> update_state("a", a) >>> a["x"] = 2 >>> update_state("a", a, force=True) Sometime you may want to update a set of variables at once without triggering any @change callback. To do so, just provide a dictionary. Even if no @change is called, the client will receive the updated modified change. >>> change_set = { "a": 1, "b": 2 } >>> update_state(change_set) """ _app = get_app_instance() if isinstance(key, dict): _app.state.update(key) for k, v in key.items(): for change_handler in _app._change_handlers: change_handler.modified(k, v) return key else: _app.set(key, value, force) return value
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[docs]def get_state(*names): """ Return the list of values of the given state keys or the full state dictionary if no key names were provided. :param names: List of names of state values to retreive :type names: list[str] :rtype: List[Any] | dict[str, Any] :returns: Either a list of values matching the given state property names or the full state dict >>> greeting, name = get_state("greeting", "name") >>> f'{greeting}, {name}!' "Hello, Trame!" >>> greeting, = get_state("greeting") >>> greeting "Hello" >>> full_state = get_state() >>> full_state.get("greeting") "Hello" """ _app = get_app_instance() if len(names): results = [] for name in names: results.append(_app.get(name)) return results return _app.state
[docs]def flush_state(*args): """ Force push selected keys of the server state to the client :param args: Which keys to flush :type args: list[str] >>> flush_state('myNestedDict') """ _app = get_app_instance() return _app.flush_state(*args)
[docs]def is_dirty(*args): """ Check if a set of keys in an @change have been modified :param args: Which keys to check for modification :type args: list[str] :return: True if any of the keys in `args` are modified >>> @change('sound_settings', 'picture_settings') ... def show_changed_settings(sound_settings, picture_settings, **kwargs): ... if is_dirty('sound_settings'): ... print(sound_settings) ... if is_dirty('picture_settings'): ... print(picture_settings) """ _app = get_app_instance() return _app.is_dirty(*args)
[docs]def is_dirty_all(*args): """ See whether all keys in an @change have been modified :param args: Which keys to check for modification :type args: list[str] :return: True if all of the keys in `args` are modified >>> @change('sound_settings', 'picture_settings') ... def save_changed_settings(sound_settings, picture_settings, **kwargs): ... if is_dirty_all('sound_settings', 'picture_settings'): ... print("Cannot save both sound and picture settings at once") ... raise """ _app = get_app_instance() return _app.is_dirty_all(*args)
def capture_changes(known_state={}): _app = get_app_instance() return _app.capture_changes(known_state) class State: """This static class provides pythonic access to the state For instance, these getters are the same: >>> field, = get_state("field") >>> field = state.field As are these setters: >>> update_state("field", value) >>> state.field = value ``get_state()`` should be used instead if more than one argument is to be passed, and ``update_state()`` should be used instead to specify additional arguments (e.g. ``force=True``). The state may also be accessed and updated similar to dictionaries: >>> value = state["field"] >>> state["field"] = value >>> state.update({"field": value}) When state update happen outside the main loop, or if a variable get modified internally without a reference change, you can force a flush of a set of variables to the client. >>> state.flush("field", "field1") An instance of this static class can be imported via >>> from trame import state """ @staticmethod def __getattr__(name): if is_dunder(name): # Forward dunder calls to object return getattr(object, name) return State.__getitem__(name) @staticmethod def __setattr__(name, value): # Do not allow pre-existing attributes, such as update(), to be # re-defined. if name in State.__dict__: msg = ( f"'{name}' is a special attribute on State that cannot be " "re-assigned" ) raise Exception(msg) State.__setitem__(name, value) @staticmethod def __getitem__(name): value, = get_state(name) return value @staticmethod def __setitem__(name, value): update_state(name, value) @staticmethod def update(d): return update_state(d) @staticmethod def flush(*args): return flush_state(*args) @staticmethod def is_dirty(*args): return is_dirty(*args) @staticmethod def is_dirty_all(*args): return is_dirty_all(*args) @staticmethod def monitor(known_state={}): return capture_changes(known_state) # Allow the change decorator to be accessed via @state.change change = staticmethod(change)