- class trame_server.core.Server(name='trame', vn_constructor=None, translator=None, parent_server=None, **options)
Server implementation for trame. This is the core object that manage client/server communication but also holds a state and controller instance. With trame a server instance should be retrieved by using
- Known options:
log_network: False (path to log file)
ws_max_msg_size: 10000000 (bytes)
ws_heart_beat: 30
desktop_debug: False
- Parameters:
name (str, optional (default: trame)) – A name identifier for a given server
**options –
Gather any keyword arguments into options
- property http_headers
Return http header helper so they can be applied before the server start.
- enable_module(module, **kwargs)
Expend server using a module definition which can be used to serve custom client code or assets, load/initialize resources (js, css, vue), register custom protocols and even execute custom code.
Any previously seem module will be automatically skipped.
- The attributes that are getting processed in a module are the following:
setup(server, **kwargs): Function called first
scripts = [] : List all JavaScript URL that should be loaded
module_scripts = [] : List all JavaScript URL as type=module to load
styles = [] : List all CSS URL that should be loaded
vue_use = [‘libName’, (‘libName2’, { **options })]: List Vue plugin to load
state = {} : Set of variable to add to state
server = { data: ‘/path/on/fs’ }: Set of endpoints to server static content
www = ‘/path/on/fs’ : Path served as main web content
- Parameters:
module – A module to enable or a dict()
kwargs – Any optional parameters needed for your module setup() function.
- js_call(ref: str | None = None, method: str | None = None, *args)
Python call method on JS element.
- property change
Use as decorator @server.change(key1, key2, …) so the decorated function will be called like so _fn(**state) when any of the listed key name is getting modified from either client or server.
- Parameters:
*_args –
A list of variable name to monitor
- property trigger
Use as decorator @server.trigger(name) so the decorated function will be able to be called from the client by doing click=”trigger(name)”.
- Parameters:
name (str) – A name to use for that trigger
- property trigger_name
Given a function this method will register a trigger and returned its name. If manually registered, the given name at the time will be returned.
- Returns:
The trigger name for that function
- Return type:
- property translator
Translator of the server
- property options
Server options provided at instantiation time
- property client_type: Literal['vue2', 'vue3']
Specify the client type. Either ‘vue2’ or ‘vue3’ for now.
- property cli
argparse parser
- property context: State
The server-only context (not shared with the client).
- Returns:
The server context state
- Return type:
- property controller: Controller
- Returns:
The server controller
- Return type:
- property ui: VirtualNodeManager
- Returns:
The server VirtualNode manager
- Return type:
- property network_completion
Return a future to await if you want to ensure that any pending network call have been issued before locking the server
- property ready
Return a future that will resolve once the server is ready
- get_server_state()
Return the current server state
- add_protocol_to_configure(configure_protocol_fn)
Register function that will be called with a wslink.ServerProtocol when the server start and is ready for registering new wslink.Protocol.
- Parameters:
configure_protocol_fn – A function to be called later with a wslink.ServerProtocol as argument.
- property protocol
Return the server root protocol
- protocol_call(method, *args, **kwargs)
Call a registered protocol method
- Parameters:
method (str) – Method registration name
*args –
Set of args to use for that method call
**kwargs –
Set of keyword arguments to use for that method call
- Returns:
transparently return what the called function returns
- force_state_push(*key_names)
Should only be needed when client corrupted its data and need the server need to send it again.
- Parameters:
*args –
Set of key names to be send again to the client.
- start(port: int | None = None, thread: bool = False, open_browser: bool | None = None, show_connection_info: bool = True, disable_logging: bool = False, backend: Literal['aiohttp', 'generic', 'tornado', 'jupyter'] | None = None, exec_mode: Literal['main', 'desktop', 'task', 'coroutine'] = 'main', timeout: int | None = None, host: str | None = None, **kwargs)
Start the server by listening to the provided port or using the –port, -p command line argument. If the server is already starting or started, any further call will be skipped.
When the exec_mode=”main” or “desktop”, the method will be blocking. If exec_mode=”task”, the method will return a scheduled task. If exec_mode=”coroutine”, the method will return a coroutine which will need to be scheduled by the user.
- Parameters:
port – A port number to listen to. When 0 is provided the system will use a random open port.
thread – If the server run in a thread which means we should disable interuption listeners
open_browser – Should we open the system browser with app url. Using the –server command line argument is similar to setting it to False.
show_connection_info – Should we print connection URL at startup?
disable_logging – Ask wslink to disable logging
backend – aiohttp by default but could be generic or tornado. This can also be set with the environment variable
. Defaults to'aiohttp'
.exec_mode – main/desktop/task/coroutine specify how the start function should work
timeout – How much second should we wait before automatically stopping the server when no client is connected. Setting it to 0 will disable such auto-shutdown.
host – The hostname used to bind the server. This can also be set with the environment variable
. Defaults to'localhost'
.**kwargs –
Keyword arguments for capturing optional parameters for wslink server and/or desktop browser
- property server_options
Once started, you can retrieve the server options used