Python widgets generator

This utility function takes a YAML api description of Vue.js library that expose components and generate the Python code for you.

The idea behind that YAML description is to capture all the pieces in a compact and efficient manner.

python -m --config ./api.yaml --output /path/to/fill

The configuration file should be as follow.

trame_{name}: # python package name
        {name}: # module name
            vue2:  # vue2 or vue3
                    - https://url_to_javascript_file.js # fetch from URL
                    - ./relative/path/file.js           # copy from path
                    - name: new_file_name.js            # create from inline content
                      content: ...
                styles: [] # url, path, inline content
                vue_use: [] # list of Vue.use(...)
        {name}: # widget name
            directives: [] # list of directive to register globaly
            ComponentName: # python class name for vue component
                help: ... # class doc string header
                component: vue-component-name # component vue name
                properties: # list of component properties
                  - name: prop_name
                    help: ... # help for doc string
                  - name: [prop_name_py, prop-name-js]
                    help: ... # help for doc string
                events: # list of component events
                  - name: event_name
                    help: ... # help for doc string
                  - name: [event_name_py, event-name-js]
                    help: ... # help for doc string
                methods: # list of methods available on vue component
                  - name: [method_py, methodNameInJS]
                    help: ... # help for doc string
                component: next-component-name
                properties: []
                events: []

This will generate the following file tree

├── trame
│   ├──
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── {name}.py
│   └── widgets
│       ├──
│       └── {name}.py
└── trame_{name}
    ├── module
    │   ├──
    │   └── {name}
    │       ├──
    │       ├── vue2
    │       │   ├── url_to_javascript_file.js
    │       │   ├── file.js
    │       │   └── new_file_name.js
    │       ├──
    └── widgets
        └── {name}.py