
trame.app.jupyter.show(_server, ui=None, **kwargs)

Helper function to show a server ui element into the cell.

  • _server (trame_server.core.Server) – the server on which the UI is defined

  • ui (str) – the name of the ui section to display. (Default: ‘main’)

  • **kwargs

    any keyword arguments are pass to the Jupyter IFrame. Additionally protocol= and host= can be use to override the iframe src url.

trame.app.jupyter.display_iframe(src, **kwargs)

Convenience method to display an iframe for the given url source

  • src (str) – url to display

  • **kwargs

    any keyword arguments are pass to the Jupyter IFrame.

trame.app.jupyter.run(name, **kwargs)

Run and display a Jupyter server proxy process with the given name

Note that the proxy process must be registered with Jupyter by setting the jupyter_serverproxy_servers entrypoint in its setup.py or setup.cfg file.